Administrators Manuals
Please find below the links to the Canvas platform user manuals for Administrators
- Link to Training Session on October 22, 2019 Video Recording
- Link to Training Session on October 22, 2019 Video Recording Transcript
- Link to Training Session Chat Transcript
- Canvas Guides and Resources (In PDF for download)
- Canvas Guides and Resources (In Detail)
- Organising Canvas
- Terms
- How do I add a new term in an account?
- What should I do at the beginning and end of each term as an admin?
- What should I encourage instructors to do at the beginning and end of each term?
- Courses
- How do I use the Courses page in an account?
- How do I add a course in an account as an admin?
- How do I delete a course in an account as an admin?
- How do I conclude a course at the end of a term as an admin?
- How do I restrict student access before or after a course date at the account level?
- Sections and Enrolment
Managing People- What user roles and permissions are available in Canvas?
- How do I manage the Permissions page?
- How do I add an account-level role in the Permissions page?
- How do I set permissions for an account-level role?
- Course Permissions PDF
- Account Permissions PDF
- Authentication
- Account Levels Groups
- SIS Imports
- SIS Imports
- How do I import SIS data to a Canvas account?
- How do I format CSV text files for uploading SIS data into a Canvas account?
- General Settings
Accessing Canvas Environments:
- How do I access the Canvas beta environment as an admin?
- How do I access the Canvas test environment as an admin?
- The Numbers
- Shared Resources
- Outcomes
- Rubrics
- Canvas Release - Non-scoring Rubrics
- Customised Proficiency Ratings [Used for Non-Scoring Rubrics]
- Grading Schemes
- Questions Banks
- Canvas Blueprint
- How do I enable a course as a blueprint course in an account?
- How do I associate a course with a blueprint course in an account?
- How do I lock course objects in a blueprint course in an account?
- How do I sync course content in a blueprint course in an account?
- How do I view the sync history for a blueprint course in an account?
- Higher Ed Blog - Blueprint Posts
- Tips for Designing and Maintaining Blueprint Courses
- Lessons Learned about Blueprint Courses: Introduction
- Lessons Learned about Blueprint Courses: Getting Buy-In
- Lessons Learned about Blueprint: When Blueprint Wasn't the Solution
- Lessons Learned about Blueprint Courses: Replacing Course Copy Workflows
- Canvas Commons
- Suggested Reading (From the Canvas Community)
- The Canvas Mega Checklist! What to do with starting & ending new terms [Discussion]
- What should I encourage instructors to do at the beginning and end of each term? [Canvas Guide]
- What should I do at the beginning and end of each term as an admin? [Canvas Guide]
- Open Tools [Curated LTI/App list]
- Extending Canvas Features and Integrations
- Google Apps LTI - Canvas Release 2017-01-07 [Release Notes]
- Microsoft Office 365 LTI - Canvas Release 2016-12-10 [Release Notes]
- Organising Canvas